About us

Provider #1 of innovating technologies and integrated parking solutionsin Romania

fastPark Co. SRL is an integrated solutions provider for the organisation, fitting and management of parking. The array of systems, equipment and software apps fully cover on-street parking, as well as off-street parking, and integrates the latest specific technologies of a smart city.
Solutiile noastre se bazeaza pe sisteme si echipamente provenite de la producatori renumiti pe plan mondial precum Flowbird (Parkeon), HUB, Automatic Systems, Nedap, Axis, Fujitsu, Microsoft. De asemenea, avem o echipa proprie de dezvoltare de software pentru mobilitate, integrare si administrare.
fastPark este membra a AVITECH Group, entitate cu o experienta de peste 20 de ani in integrarea de sisteme in domeniile Securitate, Protectie la Incendiu, Automatizari, Instalatii Electrice, Infrastructura IT&Comunicatii, Audio-Video, Sisteme Inteligente de Transport.

National coverage

Maintenance and Technical Support

fastPark benefits from a Service Despatch in Voluntari - Ilfov and 15 technical support centres in the main cities and regions of the country, which allows us to provide prompt, quality services anywhere on the Romanian territory.

Echipa noastra

Urban Mobility, Parking Systems, IT&C, Software Development, Installations and Automations specialists.
Madalin Neculaesei

Madalin Neculaesei

Andrei Dobrica

Andrei Dobrica

CTO, Partner
Oszkar Bara

Oszkar Bara

Software Architect
Cosmin Banu

Cosmin Banu

Technical Manager
Rares Pocol

Rares Pocol

Area Service Manager
Andrei Lazar

Andrei Lazar

Software Developer
Marius Totea

Marius Totea

Software Developer
Gheorghe Bidea

Gheorghe Bidea

Project Manager
Marius Miroslav

Marius Miroslav

Sales Manager
Sorin Stanciu

Sorin Stanciu

Business Development Manager
Andra Hernest

Andra Hernest

Marketing Manager
Roxana Tanase

Roxana Tanase

HR Manager
Viorica Pintiala

Viorica Pintiala


AVITECH contributed its commercial and integration capabilities and has developed the Flowbird solutions catalogue to a customer oriented market solution. Flowbird is very happy to have AVITECH representing us.

Are you looking for a partner for arranging or managing parking lots?
